(운동) 저주받은 몸매라는 것이 있다. The Endomorph Dilemma
Some people would kill to be classified as an endomorph. Endomorphs put on weight easy. For gaining muscle this sounds like a blessing but unfortunately weight gain, in this case, leads to the excessive accumulation of body fat, particularly around the midsection. Unless you take the proper action, that is.
쉽게 살이 찌는 유형의 사람들. 이들은 어렸을때, 소아비만의 상태였던 경험이 있음으로 인하여, 체내에 지방세포의 갯수가, 많은 것이다. 따라서, 쉽게 살이 찐다. 소위 말하는 저주 받은 몸. 실제로 존재하는 것이다.
Endomorphic Traits
Far from falling within the realm of physique artistry, Chris Farley is the classic endomorph. Endomorphs can be usually classified by soft and round bodies. Before weight training, their muscles are very underdeveloped. Endomorphs are identified by a very robust girth. Generally, the arms and legs of an endomorph are short in length, further exacerbating the look of squatty, short individual.
If this sounds like you, don’t fret. You’re not alone. And it’s not all grim, either.
Endomorph Challenges
The good news is endomorphs can pack on muscle fairly easily. The bad news is this body type is prone to excessive accumulation of body fat, especially in the form of a large “spare tire” in the midsection.
Endomorphs cannot afford to consume excessive carbohydrates, for the endomorph low carb diets will produce vastly superior results. Protein consumption should be over 1 gram per day and with a fairly high dietary fat consumption. A great place to start nutritionally is consuming 10-12 calories per pound of bodyweight and adjust accordingly up or down, based on your appearance.
Protein consumption post-workout is great but while mesomorphs and endomorphs benefit from a protein/simple carbohydrate mix, endomorphs with excessive body fat do not. Therefore, carb introduction should be minimized post-workout.
Endomorph Training Tips
If you’re ready to look less like Farley and more like Franco (Columbu), then you need to plan your training right – in conjunction with the nutritional guidelines above.
>> Generally perform eight sets or more per bodypart. A higher proportion of work, relative to mesomorphs, will help you break down muscle and burn calories at a pace more conducive to slimming you out.
각 바디파트에 대하여 8세트를 기본으로 하여, 실시한다. 좀더 슬림한 체형에 속하는 사람의 운동강도 보다 세트를 증가시킴으로써 강하게 한다. 이것이 근육을 유연하게 하고, 칼로리를 태우는 것에 도움을 주어, 좀더 슬림하게 만들것이다.
>> Majority of reps should be in the 8-15 range. This is a general prescription for hypertrophy. By adding more muscle, you make your body more metabolically active.
렙의 숫자는 8~15랩으로 하고, 과도하게 하는 것을 목표로 하여, 근육량을 늘려서, 기초 대사량을 늘리는 전략을 사용한다.
>> Recovery is faster than the mesomorph but slower than the ectomorph. If you feel ready to train a bodypart again, feel free. Training sore won’t hinder your body’s ability to benefit from workouts. More frequent training will actually help to nuke more calories per week.
그리고, 쉬는 시간은 살이 빠르게 찌지 않는 타입의 사람보다 짧은 시간을 잡는다. 하지만, 근육량이 많은 사람보다는 천천히 쉬어준다. 특정 부위의 운동을 다시할 준비가 되어있다면, 운동으로 인한 근육의 땡김이 근육운동을 하는데 방해가 되지 않으니, 걱정말고 실시하라. 솔직하게 말하면, 좀더 자주 하는 운동이 당신에게는 도움이 된다.
>> Limit carb intake. Your body is likely to store a lot of your carbs as fat. So instead, reduce carb intake throughout the day, the exceptions being pre- and post-workout. Those servings should still be modest. Drastically reduce or eliminate carbs in the evening so that you start each day in something of a carb deficit, leaving your body to search for fuel elsewhere. You can compound this benefit by training in the morning.
철저하게 탄수화물 섭취를 측정하여 관리하라, 너의 신체는 아주 빠른속도로 탄수화물을 지방으로 만드는데 특화되어 있다. 따라서, 하루에 섭취하는 탄수화물의 양을 줄이고, 단, 운동전과 후의 탄수화물 양은 유지하고, 하지만, 이 양도 적당한 양을 섭취할 것을 명심하라. 급격하게 탄수화물 섭취를 감소시키고,식단에서 완전히 없애는 것과 함께 아침에 공복상태에서 운동을 함으로써, 아주 큰 이점을 취할 수 있게 된다.
>> Train with a mixture of steady state cardio and high-intensity intervals. Both have benefits that can help you tighten up. Steady-state helps to increase total intra-workout calorie burn and HIIT cranks up your post-workout metabolism. A ix of both will help increase results.
일정한 강도의 유산소운동과 고강도의 인터벌 트레이닝을 병합해서 한번 운동할때에 실행하라. 두가지가 모두 당신의 목표를 달성하는데 최선의 것들이다. 일정한 수준의 유산소운동은 당신의 체내 기초 대사량을 높여주고, 운동으로 인한 칼로리 소모비율을 증가시켜 준다.
Josh Bryant, MFS, CSCS, PES, is the owner of JoshStrength.com and co-author (with Adam benShea) of the Amazon No. 1 seller Jailhouse Strong. His new book, Built to the Hilt, is now available at Amazon and EliteFTS. He is a strength coach at Metroflex Gym in Arlington, Texas, and holds 12 world records in powerlifting. You can connect with him onTwitter and Facebook or visit his website at www.joshstrength.com.